Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Health Ministries Meeting

Above: Rosalie and Eileen with one of the board displays prepared by nursing students to raise awareness about preventing domestic violence.

Here are a few notes from the recent Health Ministries meeting, sponsored by the Margaret Stoeckinger Foundation.

* Participants shared information about programs and activities in their health ministries. We had representatives from parishes, outreach ministries, and health care providers

* We heard about grants available from the Margaret T. Stoeckinger Foundation for parish health ministry. We also heard about the Foundation's scholarships for nursing students who are enrolled in programs within the region encompassed by the Diocese of Lexington and participating in a church-based health ministry.

* We took a tour of the updated Margaret Stoeckinger Foundation website, which is chock full of links to resources as well as the grant application and scholarship application mentioned above.

* We quickly looked over the informative articles included in our packets, including
-the updated Blood Pressure Screening/Hypertension Protocol (as published by the International Parish Nurse Resource Center)
- articles about how parish nursing can integrate spiritual dimensions of care and spirituality in nursing
- an article reporting on recently published results that noted patients' ranking spiritual care as a high need during advanced stages of cancer
- easy ways for a parish to "go green"

* We participated in a continuing education unit to learn more about "Domestic Violence and the Faith Community." Above left, Rosalie Albright, RN and Coordinator of Faith Community Nursing Services for Ephraim McDowell Health in Danville, led us in the interactive presentation

And finally, we thanked Eileen TeKrony for her many years of service to the Stoeckinger Foundation in coordinating activities and events to promote parish health ministries in the Diocese of Lexington.
At right, Carol Enright presented Eileen with a scrapbook of thank you's and artwork from members of the Stoeckinger Foundation and health ministry.

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