Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Catch Up Coming Soon!

The blogger has had an especially busy month and has been out on the road quite a bit, so there's a lot of backlog for the blog, including statistics, updates, and more. But it won't be here till June (sorry!).

In the meantime, the blog will pass along a very nice resource for prayers for healing and health. They are from the book 600 Blessings and Prayers from Around the World by Geoffrey Duncan. You can find the Google book entry at

(or go to Google and type in "600 blessings and prayers").

You will see that the prayers "Toward Health" begin on page 310. A number of them are quite lovely, so please take a look!

Here at our diocesan offices, we have had a spell of illness and injury to a number of people we love, and no doubt many of you also know of individuals and families who need our prayers for healing. So while we continue our plans for a Mission Trip, let's take time to pray for those who are in need of restored health as well as for the health care providers and support personnel who work for healing and wholeness.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful resource book. I very much enjoyed the prayers for wholeness. Just what I needed today!
